Unlock Your Potential as a Financial Coach!

Have you ever found yourself struggling to attract clients?

Do you feel like you're constantly spinning your wheels, trying to grow your business but not seeing the results you desire?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to take your coaching business to the next level?

Good news, there's a solution!

Surrounding yourself with experienced mentors and a supportive community of fellow coaches can provide invaluable guidance, inspiration, and accountability as you navigate the challenges of growing your coaching business.

Join the Financial Coach Collective:

Elevate Your Coaching, Empower Your Clients

Tailored Coaching Sessions

Receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique challenges and goals, ensuring focused support to help you thrive as a financial coach.

Community Support

Engage with a supportive network of fellow coaches in group sessions, fostering collaboration, sharing of insights, and mutual encouragement for professional growth.

Expert Guidance

Benefit from Laura's expertise and additional support, gaining valuable insights and strategies to refine your coaching skills and elevate your practice to new heights.


  • Weekly Group Coaching Sessions: Connect with and learn from others who are on the same coaching path by creating a community of support.

  • 90 Minute Power Session: Connect with Laura to get a tailored approach to your unique coaching style.

  • Financial Coach Collective Hub: Get access to recorded sessions and extra goodies within your membership portal.

  • Facebook Community for Connection: In our private Facebook community, you will have access to other Financial coaches for networking, accountability, and cheerleading.

Hi, I'm Laura!

Laura Sexton is a passionate advocate for financial empowerment and debt elimination. With years of experience as a debt elimination specialist and financial coach, Laura has helped countless individuals and families take control of their finances, break free from the burden of debt, and achieve their money goals. Known for her compassionate approach and personalized guidance, Laura believes in empowering her clients to build a solid financial foundation, cultivate a positive money mindset, and create a legacy of wealth and abundance for future generations. Through her coaching programs, Laura is dedicated to helping others unlock their full potential, transform their relationship with money, and live a life of financial freedom and fulfillment.

Empower your coaching journey -

Download Your FREE Coaches' Prayer Cards Today!

It wasn’t until I began teaching painting classes online and then coaching women in their businesses that everything changed for my family. 

Suddenly I could reach more people and make more sales, without increasing my hours. After years in the painting business, it was WILD the success I had when I added coaching...like nothing I had seen or even imagined was possible!

I was able to bring my husband home from his day job, and we finally had the time and financial freedom we'd been looking for.

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